Dein Team

Patrick Theilmann


Jeder ist ein Diamant, dieser muss nur geschliffen werden.

Lisa Theilmann

Trainer, FROM

Break your Limits

Gunter Wächter

Cycling, EMS, FROM

Es soll Spaß machen

Claudia Rohr

Trainer, FROM

Nichts ist unmöglich!

Tanja Lehnert

Trainer, FROM

To go from where you are to where you want to be - you have to have a dream, a goal and you have to be willing to work for it!

Daniel Blum

Trainer, FROM

No one grows from a place of ease and comfort


Christian Schmidt

Systemischer Coach

Find your Perception. Passion. Purpose.

Kristin Schäfer


Bring yourself to the next level.

Darian Lorat

Website & Marketing

Every Day offers the opportunity to learn something new!

Jürgen Gisha

Fotografie, Büro

Fotografie hilft, Dinge besser zu sehen!

Team Spallek

Karate, Kickboxen

Lebe Dein bestes Leben!